Thursday, August 25, 2011


Kathreen. My little love. She's fun and smart and pretty and so on. Here's a picture.

A few weeks ago, we were out running errands in town. We ran across an old boss of mine named Dean. Dean is cool. He and I both play the bass guitar. Anyway, he had never seen Kathreen before, only heard me talk about her. I introduced them and you could see the amazement in his face. I'm pretty sure he wanted to high-five me but felt it would make her uncomfortable or something. I have gotten a lot of high-fives regarding her, mostly from strangers. Dean didn't say anything at the time, but called me up weeks later and told me how hot he thought she was and that he felt proud of me.

She is way cute and I do love showing her off. Here's another picture. This time, instead of attractive, we're clowns. Not that clowns can't be attractive.

Ok. That was the same picture with some clever editing. Also I googled 'attractive clown' and am pretty disappointed.

 Here's another one where we're evil clowns.

I like this one. So my point is that I love showing off my girlfriend and don't get the chance that often. And if she wore evil clown make up every day I'd still love her. I wonder, if she woke up with the evil clown make up already on, would she wash it off or try it out for a day? Only time will tell.... 'cause I'm doing it.

1 comment:

  1. You guys make a cute couple. You should get married. Fun, smart, and pretty don't come along every day. Snatch her up!
